• Question: How are you unique from the other lads?

    Asked by scottyboy69 to Joel, Kristian, Tim, Venus, Zachary on 20 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Tim Hollowood

      Tim Hollowood answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      well of course we are all unique…but in terms of science and more specifically physics you will see that we all do different things. Even though we all work in particle physics the subject is so big that there are different ways to specialise. I myself am a theorist so I don’t do experiments…I leave that to the experimentalists. I think about how to describe what’s going on in the experiments and also I think about what was going on at the big bang or inside black holes. All I need is a brain and a laptop…
      I would’t dream of saying what I do is better than anything else….in fact we need to have people doing lots of different things to build up a complete picture of the universe.

    • Photo: Kristian Harder

      Kristian Harder answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      I am harder!
      I mean, literally.
      It happens to be my family name. 🙂

    • Photo: Zachary Williamson

      Zachary Williamson answered on 21 Nov 2013:

      Errr, well I can independently raise each eyebrow, so there’s that much going for me.
