• Question: Do you like coffee?

    Asked by infintaneousdeath to Joel, Kristian, Tim, Venus, Zachary on 13 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Kristian Harder

      Kristian Harder answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      No, my boss forces me to drink a liter a day against my will. 😀

      And actually, until I was about 30 years old, I drank no coffee at all, only tea. I reserved coffee for emergencies, such as night shifts where I had to stay awake all night, and that worked quite well. However, some time around 2004 while trying to repair and operate the central silicon detector of the DZero detector at the Tevatron in the United States, the state of emergency became permanent. And now I am seriously drinking 4-6 large cups a day.
      But I am pleased to read that recent medical research has shown that this may not be as bad as people once thought. But then again, I am never sure about the quality of medical research, especially if it somehow supports the interests of some specific industry. 🙂

    • Photo: Zachary Williamson

      Zachary Williamson answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      More of a tea drinker personally, but I wouldn’t refuse a cup of coffee. Mochas are better though 🙂

    • Photo: Joel Goldstein

      Joel Goldstein answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      I prefer tea, and I almost never drink coffee when I’m in the UK.
      At CERN the coffee is much better and the tea is much worse, so when I’m working there I drink a lot of coffee. Physicists do drink a lot of coffee – the expresso machine in the CMS control room is one of the most important parts of the experiment!

    • Photo: Tim Hollowood

      Tim Hollowood answered on 15 Nov 2013:

      coffee is essential for theoretical physicists…someone once said that a theoretical physicist is a machine that turns coffee into proofs. CERN does indeed have a couple of great cafes…
